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Storyboard - Shooting Script;

These forms are relatively self explanatory. Simple sketches can be used to work out shots and order along with dialogue and sound details.

4:3 (1.33:1) Storyboard (Portrait print)Jpeg image (39 KB)

16:9 (1.78:1) Storyboard (Landscape print)Jpeg image (27 KB)

16:9 (1.78:1 Storyboard - simplified (Landscape print)PDF format (822 KB)

16:9 (1.78:1) Storyboard - simplified (Portrait print)16:9 (1.78:1) storyboard PDF, JPG formats
(zip file size 144 KB, unzip size 284 KB)

Script Breakdown;

Script Breakdown (Portrait print)Jpeg image (47 KB)

A form for taking script material and breaking it down to plot the needs of a shoot, scene by scene. A number of these sections may be unnecessary unless you have a large budget, so the forms use could be scaled down to suit.

Various Production Templates:

Includes Budget, script layout, shotlist and storyboard templates. From Rode microphones competition entry download. Click here to download zip file. (zip file size 524 KB, unzip size 648 KB)

Consent and Release Forms:

(IMPORTANT: The following information and forms are for reference. They are not comprehensive legal documents to be relied upon without proper professional legal assistance.)

There are a variety of these forms. The detail and permission required depends on the type of contribution, its context and the intended use "exploitation" of the media.

For performers (non-actors) playing the part of a character would probably require "Performers Consent". Release Forms come into play when their could be an issue of copyright (moral rights) in a performances/interviews.

Permission may not be required to film/video events, but consent/permission may be required depending upon how the finished film is intended to be exploited/distributed/broadcast etc.

Many independent film makers draw up their own release forms from examples they come across. However, if the project is intended for public/commercial use and there is some budget, it may be worth investing a small amount in getting tailor made release forms/contracts drawn up by a legal professional.

The internet provides a wide range of examples of consent and release documents worth looking at.

Included here is a simple "release form" in PDF format (6 KB), as a basic example. All consent and release forms should be drawn up with specific requirements and legal consequences in mind.

Following are further examples in "RTF" Rich Text Format (right click and save target to download text document):

Actor Release Form (3 KB)

Group Release Form (2 KB)

Musician Release Form (2 KB)

Short Release Form additional section for minor/guardian (2 KB)

Venue Release Notice

This is an example of a venue / event notice. It is to notify people at a venue that the event is being filmed and they will possibly appear in the final production. It is used when impractical, or unnecessary to get release forms for individuals. Public meetings would not necessarily require any clearance, or permissions. Click here to download the A4 notice in PDF format (33 KB). Click here for editable A4 RTF document version (4 KB).

Production Forms / Logs:

Click here for a simple/basic checklist (PDF format) to print out and customise (41 KB).

Camera Log (.gif file for print). Log camera shots, lighting and exposure details etc (47 KB).

Camera Log (Portrait print) Jpeg image (56 KB)

A camera log keeps the details collected after every take in order to record the order of shots on rolls of film, or videotapes. Columns for shot types, take, exposure, time code, or footage's and brief sound information. It serves as a simple index/guide to the unedited material / media.

Misc Film Forms A file full of Word/Excel spreadsheet templates (zip file size 32 KB, unzip size 107 KB). It does not include the forms below.

Production Forms 124 .dot formatted templates for most aspects of production (zip file size 1,658 KB, unzip size 6,418 KB).

IMPORTANT: will not be liable for any damages, direct or indirect, that may arise from downloading and using any files.

Further form templates are included with some of the DVD’s in the Books/DVD’s section. Click link to find out which books/dvd’s include these.


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