This section contains all the resources (files/media, audio/visual) that can be downloaded. Suggestions for resources that could be included can be emailed to;
Audio Files Files include .WAV and .AIF formats. Includes 1 Khz tone, individual sound effects (SFX) and environmental (atmos) sounds for looping.
Countdown Clocks From 4:3 standard definition, 16:9 High Definition to 4K clock slates, in .BMP image files and .MOV movie formats.
Documents Over 150 production forms (including storyboards) and consent/release documents. In assorted file formats (including spreadsheets).
Visual FX A selection of production effects, from scratched film effect to shifting sky timelapse sequences.
IMPORTANT: will not be liable for any damages, direct or indirect, that may arise from downloading and using any files.