Aspect Ratios Different media format measurements and dimensions.
Books/DVD’s Selection of books, books with DVD’s and DVD’s about various aspects of film production. From screenwriting, to releasing.
Camera Tips Some very basic camera ‘rules’ that once understood can in some cases be broken.
Clapperboard Some background to the use and purpose of the clapperboard.
Copyright What is copyright and how does it apply to moviemaking. Basic tips on how to know if someone has infringed your copyright, or you are in danger of infringing someone else’s. Includes the following two sub topics; Legal (UK) Licensing, creative commons, broadcast and syndication. What do they mean? Fair Dealing How does this apply to the use of third party media without infringing copyright?
Lingo/Jargon An A to Z cross referenced technical terminology list.
Screenplay (What’s the Story?) Breakdown of the most common form of story structure for movie making with links to screenwriting sites and software.